неділю, 4 березня 2018 р.

Community ACTion Ukrainian Style

    On the 4th of April our Hirskyi NVK was delighted to welcome the volunteer team of the NGO called CACTUS (Community ACTion Ukrainian Style). 11 students-teachers from all around the country held one-day English seminar at our school. They have covered the topics of the Critical Thinking, Community Activism, Project Management, and Human Rights.
    Our students were divided into 6 teams (like classes); the lessons lasted approximately for 45-50 minutes (like at school). However, we played various games and had a great many of interactive activities during the day; this is the thing our students enjoyed the most.
It is the first time CACTUS comes to Hirske. Our school also welcomed children from other schools of Mykolaiv region. The informal education is a thing to be promoted in today’s Ukraine; our school is already on its way!

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